Monday 27 June 2016


With the production process, we as a group decided to create multiple drafts of the script. We did this so that we could have a large amount of variation. Our scripts were an adaptation of the first five minutes of Elizabeth; the original version of Elizabeth was a ten episode series. Following the draft completion, we shared our scripts amongst the team and provided opinions on which were the best and what improvements needed to be made. Following this we decided to create second drafts of the scripts we liked the most.

When we received the final draft of the chosen script, we edited it into a shooting script. Due to crew and location restrictions we decided to cut out the sequence in which our main character visits a school. Unfortunately we had neither the cast nor budget to shoot a scene of this sophistication. In response to this we had the head master tell Mason to pick up tea bags before reaching the school. The next revision we made was to age up the young actors in the opening scene of the show. Originally the characters featured in the opening were far younger than they appear in the final cut.

Another change we made was to have all of the scenes be shot during the daytime, originally we had decided to have the opening scene shot during the night but due to actor’s schedules, we we’re unable to film at the aforementioned point. On a technical level we decided to go for simplistic lighting during the majority of the shoot. We used multiple DSLR cameras to film the sequences inside the house and inside the shop. Whilst doing outdoor shoots we only utilised one camera, as any more would be unnecessary.

During the shoot some of the dialogue had to be edited, as it did not flow very well whilst being spoken by our actors. Following this we modified the script’s original dialogue to fit the actor’s needs. The shoot itself was limited to our actor’s schedules. The main actor only had the morning for us to shoot with him, because of this we had to rush some scenes in order to complete the shoot in a timely fashion. In retrospect I do wish I had done more with the lighting on the shoot. Originally I had planned to use creative lighting in all scenes, unfortunately my fellow crewmembers decided to refuse my lighting suggestions for all scenes apart from the bedroom scene, which in of itself was significantly compressed.

Whilst on set we we’re limited to a very small budget, due to this we had to utilise homemade and on location props. We also had to use our own houses for some of the scenes; unfortunately we could not afford to build a set. Other challenges included making sure we had good quality sound whilst on location. Whilst on location we faced the challenge of the public and the noise they create. This noise disruption often got in the way of dialogue.

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